
OE Electrics Ltd (the ‘Organisation’) recognises the importance of environmental protection and is committed to operating its business responsibly and in compliance with all legal requirements relating to the design and manufacture of bespoke power, data and AV distribution systems plus the provision of associated cable management solutions. It is the Organisation’s declared policy to operate with and to maintain good relations with all regulatory bodies. It is the Organisation’s objective to carry out all measures reasonably practicable to meet, exceed or develop all necessary or desirable requirements and to continually improve environmental performance through the implementation of the following:

Assess and regularly re-assess the environmental effects of the Organisation’s activities
Training of employees in environmental issues
Minimise the production of waste
Minimise material wastage
Minimise energy wastage
Promote the use of recyclable and renewable materials
Reduce and/or limit the production of pollutants to water, land and air
Control noise emissions from operations
Minimise the risk to the general public and employees from operations and activities undertaken by the Organisation.

This Policy is communicated to all employees, suppliers and sub-contractors and is made available to the public.

OE Electrics Ltd recognizes its responsibility to conduct business in a way that protects and improves the state of the environment for future generations. As a global fi rm, we understand that the long-term well-being of society, the well-being of our employees, the strength of the global economy, and the continuing success of our own business depend on our commitment to a sustainable environment.

OE Electrics Ltd has for many years conducted business and implemented strategic and operational decisions with environmental sustainability as a core corporate principle. We are committed to integrate environmentally friendly policies and practices into our organization by operating in a manner that promotes energy and materials conservation, as well as waste reduction. We are also committed to assist our clients in analyzing, reducing, and managing their own environmental impact and risks. Our sustainability program has three components, all based around a rationale of continuous improvement:

  • A commitment to reduce the environmental impact of our own activities, by using 100% recyclable materials throughout the production process, recycling all waste (steel, aluminium, plastic and paper/card), minimising energy and water usage throughout the company and, where possible, completely designing out certain processes and minimising parts
  • A commitment to provide our clients with the expertise, advice, products, and solutions that help them with their own sustainability challenges, including the development of energy saving solutions (eg: ELSAVE) thereby allowing our clients to improve their sustainability rating with schemes such as BREEAM.
  • A commitment to provide our employees with an environmentally conscious workplace, and where refurbishment or new builds are planned, to incorporate measures to improve the workplace, save energy and protect the environment.
    As a global firm, OE Electrics Ltd will continue to work to develop and implement environmentally responsible business practices throughout our organisation and strive for the sustainable growth of both our own and our clients’ businesses. We encourage our employees to join us in the journey by supporting and furthering our environmental efforts.


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