Can ANIMATE power a large screen TV/media wall?

TOP TIP: OE has a shortlist of various size DC-powered TVs and monitors that are compatible with our QIKPAC batteries. Using these appliances is recommended for most efficient battery usage with your furniture and most cost-effective use of the ANIMATE system. If you have a traditional AC-powered appliance, such as large TV, it is possible to power these with QIKPAC batteries through the use of an inverter. This inverts power from DC back to AC (120V/230V). However, this is an inefficient method as the inverter adds cost and together with the TV’s internal PSU loses up to 30% of the energy in the transfer. Therefore 30% more battery power is needed to power AC appliances. More batteries = more cost. Example: AC powered 50” TV requires 147W and customer wants to run TV for 8 hours per day: 147W x 8hr = 1,176Wh which with conversion losses of 30% = 1,530Wh 1,530Wh divided by QIKPAC 200Wh = Almost 8 QIKPAC batteries! Alternatively… DC powered 50” TV requires 45W and customer wants to run TV for 8 hours per day 45W x 8hr = 360Wh with no inverter loss. 360Wh divided by QIKPAC 200Wh = 2 batteries covers it!

There are a couple of things to consider if/when designing a battery powered media center:
• Do you need it to run off battery power for the full day (e.g. 8 hours)?In most cases such as an office or school, the TV will be used during meetings/lessons and then can be put back on charge when not in use. This will reduce the number of batteries needed.
•  By turning down the brightness on the TV you can save significant energy and therefore ensure the TV runs longer on battery power.
More info:
• We recommend the TV and batteries be turned off when not in use to conserve power.
To “turn off” the batteries, you are actually putting them in Sleep Mode. This is achieved by pressing and holding the orange button for five seconds and this method is repeated to bring the batteries back out of Sleep Mode for use.a

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