Most people are anxious to fly. The couple of hours before your flight after check-in can be a particularly stressful and nerve-wracking time. Add to this the possibility of delays, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find a sense of calm or Zen.

London Stansted
Airport designers take this into consideration when proposing new terminal design concepts. Keeping passengers comfortable during delays by providing adequate seating can be a big help in mitigating any tension. And providing enough power outlets to keep passenger devices charged is now an essential feature, with more flyers using e-tickets on smartphones rather than a printed alternative.
This was a major consideration at London Stansted Airport. As part of their £600 million Stansted Transformation Project, the airport opened three new seating areas featuring furniture by airport terminal seating specialists Green Furniture Concept.
The Swedish manufacturer installed their acclaimed Nova C seating, which provides seating for over 1,000 passengers in the main Departure Lounge – a seating capacity increase of 40%.
Among the seats are 436 OE TUF USB charging ports offering a combination of USB-C and USB-A.
The USB-C port allows passengers to charge their devices much quicker, meaning more battery life by the time they board their flight.
TUF is designed for a high-usage public space, such as an airport terminal. Along with the durable USB ports designed for a high volume of insertion rates, the USB cartridge is replaceable, so any damaged USB outlets can be replaced quickly and easily by airport staff – without having to turn off the power to the entire seating section.