Putting your well-being first and making sure our products are safe is all part of our daily routine.
When it comes to the well-being of our customers, there are no compromises. SAFETY is one of our core values and for over 30 years we have prided ourselves on testing everything thoroughly before it leaves any of our global premises. Our mobile power solution, ANIMATE is no different.
Independently Safety Certified by the German Company TUV to both specific Li-ion standards and electronic safety standards: IEC 62133-2 for
Li-ion Safety and IEC 62368-1 for Electronic Safety.
OE’s proven history of providing QUALITY long-lasting solutions continues to set the benchmark for others to follow. The Animate solution has now been performing in the global market for two years, with no adverse feedback, and we continue to receive repeat orders.
Each QikPac battery has its own integrated battery management system (BMS) incorporating multi-level internal software which manages each battery pack continuously. Monitoring for exceptions, including: over/under voltage, current, and temperature fluctuations as well as controlling charge rates and cell balancing. Each of the three battery connections are separately monitored.
Four internal temperature sensors check for anomalies and can shut the battery pack down immediately.
Ten thousand lines of code mean you receive an intelligent device that can be interrogated on site, or in our test labs, to alleviate any concern – allowing our team to focus on continuous improvement.
Multi-site testing in our global facilities allows us to understand and be assured of the performance of Animate and its components and, to date, extensive continuous cycle testing has proven that over 400 full charge and discharge cycles have not impacted the battery capacity – meaning when you receive a Animate solution we have the greatest confidence in the technology, its quality, safety and longevity.
A 30-point Factory Acceptance Test is completed prior to shipping ensuring that all software and hardware protocols meet standard operating procedures.
Using our extensive global procurement relationships, we only source the highest quality Li-ion Panasonic cells, in conjunction with the highest quality control/management chips.
Furthermore, Animate components are all encased in UL94-VO fire retardant, self extinguishing plastic.
ANIMATE is a closed system and can only be charged through a proprietary charger ensuring that charging protocols, voltages and currents that are provided to the battery are controlled and kept within the battery limits.
Our trickle fed 10%-90% technology allows us to have the greatest of confidence that you cannot charge/discharge the battery beyond what is required, also adding to the lifespan of the cells.
Using proprietary connections, we can guarantee that only approved devices can be connected to the ANIMATE system, each being programmed to work seamlessly with the battery’s BMS and, where multiple batteries are interlinked, their programming allows them to self-balance automatically.
Sustainable, repairable USB
In addition to the above safety features, QIKPAC CARRY comes with our unique replaceable USB charging module that can be replaced should damage occur. BY use of simple tool, the USB module can be replaced in seconds without the need of a trained electrician. This sustainable solution means that the lifespan of the QIKPAC CARRY can be extended should the USB outlet get damaged.